How An Online Real Estate University Dramatically Increased Their Enrollments & Expanded Into New Territories

Online education for the real estate industry
290% increase in sales
33% uplift in enrollments
Paid Search
Case Study Outline
Case Overview
Enrollments USA re-engineered this Real Estate client’s Google Ads account from the ground up. Starting with a new foundation that harvested growth & opportunity, we designed a specific strategy that would allow this client to not only increase sales in their local area, but set them up for expansion into other states. We quickly saw immediate results in our campaigns and growth within the account.
Within 2 months of working with this client we were able to achieve a 290% increase in sales, while maintaining the same CPA. Leveraging our proprietary methods for building campaigns and conversion rate optimization, we then successfully expanded into 9 additional states and are seeing the same positive results. The expansion into these new states yielded our client 2,375 additional sales, while hitting all of their CPA goals.
The Challenge
This Real Estate client had trouble increasing volume in their local area & could not expand their efforts to additional states, until they increased profitability and revenue in New York. Another underlying issue that we quickly identified was that the user experience provided at a landing page level was rather poor. We quickly saw an opportunity to increase conversions by understanding the mindset of their website visitors and providing them with the information they need at that stage of their buying process.
Our Solution
Enrollments USA solved this problem by developing a strategy that would not only increase volume in their local footprint, but would also be structured for optimal efficiency. Our strategy allowed our client to leverage all relevant traffic, correctly categorize efforts, and structure it properly for the implementation of smart bidding technology. This setup could then be duplicated & modified for any new locations they decide to expand to.
As for the user experience on their landing pages, we went ahead and analyzed Google Analytics data as well as video recordings of user sessions to try to understand what was missing or irrelevant. We found out that it was unclear for the visitors what accreditations this university has, what each course was all about, the learnings students walk away with, and most importantly, how this university differentiates itself from all the other ones in the state.
We proceeded with a complete redesign of the landing page and made sure that this new version would make these points above clear. We also conducted a competitor analysis to really highlight the differences between this university and the other top universities in the same state.
Because we believe that those who know best are real-life visitors, we wanted to A/B test our hypothesis to really understand the impact and validity of our proposed solution.
Paid Search achieved a 290% increase in sales over a 2-month period, while maintaining similar CPAs that hit our clients goals.
Not only did our new page perform better in terms of user engagement (lower bounce rate, increase of traffic going to checkout, etc.) we also noticed a very significant uplift of 33% in terms of enrollments, which means a very conservative projection of over $250,000 profit yearly for a single state.
We are happy to report that at the time of writing this, what was an initial experiment became the client’s template for every landing page and we are now looking at optimizing the checkout funnel in order to get an even higher enrollment rate.
We have since tested our hypothesis on multiple regions in the United States and are observing a similar trend nation-wide, which is why we felt comfortable deploying this new template globally.
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